How to set up a Dynamic DNS service account on TD-W9960?


To set up a Dynamic DNS service account on the TD-W9960 modem router, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the router: Open a web browser and enter the IP address of the router into the address bar. Log in to the web interface using your administrator credentials.

  2. Navigate to the Dynamic DNS settings: In the web interface, go to "Advanced Setup" > "Dynamic DNS" to access the Dynamic DNS settings.

  3. Choose a Dynamic DNS service: Select a Dynamic DNS service from the list of supported services. The TD-W9960 supports several popular Dynamic DNS services, including DynDNS, No-IP, and TZO.

  4. Enter your account information: Enter your Dynamic DNS service account information, including your account username and password, and any other required information such as your domain name. Some services may require additional information such as a hostname or a TTL value.

  5. Save the changes: Click the "Save" button to save the Dynamic DNS settings.

Once the Dynamic DNS service account is set up, the router will automatically update the Dynamic DNS service with your current IP address whenever it changes. This can be useful to access your network remotely using a domain name instead of a changing IP address. Note that some Dynamic DNS services may require a subscription fee for advanced features or a custom domain name.



Tags: TD-W9960