How to back up and restore configuration settings on TD-W9960


To back up and restore configuration settings on the TD-W9960 modem router, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the router: Open a web browser and enter the IP address of the router into the address bar. Log in to the web interface using your administrator credentials.

  2. Navigate to the backup and restore settings: In the web interface, go to "Advanced Setup" > "System Tools" > "Backup & Restore" to access the backup and restore settings.

  3. Backup configuration settings: To back up the current configuration settings, click the "Backup" button. The router will prompt you to save the backup file to your computer. Save the file to a safe location on your computer.

  4. Restore configuration settings: To restore the configuration settings from a backup file, click the "Choose File" button and select the backup file that you want to restore. Click the "Restore" button to restore the configuration settings. Note that restoring the configuration settings will overwrite the current settings on the router.

It's recommended to regularly back up the configuration settings of your router to a safe location to prevent the loss of important configuration data in case of a hardware failure or other issues. You can also use the backup and restore feature to transfer configuration settings from one router to another, or to restore settings after a factory reset.



Tags: TD-W9960