Run a Virtual Machine in the background when Windows starts in VMware


This article explains How to Run a Virtual Machine in the background when Windows starts in VMware Workstation. I will automatically start nextcloud server in the background after restarting my Windows PC.

Run a Virtual Machine in the background when Windows starts in VMware

VMware should be running at C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation. Inside that folder is a VMrun.exe.

Run a Virtual Machine in the background when Windows starts in VMware

I will be creating a cmd file with Notepad.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Player\vmrun.exe" start ""

Run a Virtual Machine in the background when Windows starts in VMware

Once confirmed that is correct you can move on to the next step.

Open VMware Workstation and browse to the path where your virtual machine configuration files stored.

Run a Virtual Machine in the background when Windows starts in VMware

The nogui at the end tells VMware to run the virtual machine without opening the VMware window, which means it will run in the background.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Player\vmrun.exe" start "C:\VM\Ubuntu.vmx" nogui

Run a Virtual Machine in the background when Windows starts in VMware

Change the “Save as Type” to All Files. Name the file something like vmrun.cmd.

Run a Virtual Machine in the background when Windows starts in VMware

The last step is to move the cmd file to your Startup folder.

Open Run and type shell:startup.

Run a Virtual Machine in the background when Windows starts in VMware

Simply drag-and-drop the cmd file into this folder at this point.

Run a Virtual Machine in the background when Windows starts in VMware

Nextcloud will now run in the background without the GUI after logging in.



Tags: VMware nextcloud