Create Your Private Storage Cloud like OneDrive, Google Drive


In this article, I show you how to create your own cloud on your Windows computer like OneDrive, Google Drive. I choose nextcloud because it's easy to install and completely free. Because nextcloud only allows installation on Linux operating systems.

I will use virtualbox hypervisor.

Create Your Private Storage Cloud like OneDrive, Google Drive

You can use many different Linux operating systems, but I recommend using Ubuntu.

Create Your Private Storage Cloud like OneDrive, Google Drive

After downloading the Ubuntu server OS installer, open VirtualBox and create a new virtual machine for yourself. You can name it as you like. In this article I named it nextcloud for easy remembering.

Create Your Private Storage Cloud like OneDrive, Google Drive

Minimum memory capacity is 2GB, but I recommend up to 4GB. You choose the hard disk capacity that suits your storage needs, I choose 30 GB.

Now, select the newly-created virtual machine and click on settings. Go to the storage tab, select the downloaded Ubuntu server ISO.

Create Your Private Storage Cloud like OneDrive, Google Drive

Since I need to access next cloud storage from the internet. I will set up a network in bridge mode

Create Your Private Storage Cloud like OneDrive, Google Drive

You click the start button to start installing the virtual machine. You wait a moment to move on to the next step. You will be asked to select the language and keyboard, set it accordingly.

Install virtual machine

There are two versions of installation, full and minimal, for creating Cloud hosting I just used to install minimal Ubuntu server.

Setting a static IP address is required, so you must set up the steps as above. This IP address will be different depending on your local network.

Next are the storage settings that I recommend by default. In this step you set up a username and password. You need to remember this information to use in the following steps.

You install more openssh-server for easy remote access. It will take about 5 to 10 minutes for the installation to complete. The installation of Ubuntu Server operating system on virtualbox is complete.

If you forgot the IP address of the virtual machine, use the "ip a" command. You can enter the commands directly into this window to install nextcloud.

At this point you have nextcloud installed, next open a web browser and enter a static ip address with http prefix.

Create Your Private Storage Cloud like OneDrive, Google Drive

You will be asked to create a username and password please create and remember it. You'll find yourself logged in as the admin user, where you can start your Nextcloud.

Duck DNS

However to access this cloud storage from the internet you need to set up the next steps. If your public IP address is dynamic you need Duck DNS. Duck DNS is completely free. You just need to register an account create a suitable domain name for yourself.

Create Your Private Storage Cloud like OneDrive, Google Drive

Choose your domain name choose your operating system and you will be guided through the installation of duckens client. The duckdns client software will ask you to install java, so please install Java on your computer.

As you have seen, your public IP address has been updated successfully. 

To access the cloud storage you need to open the port on your router, the port to open for nextcloud is 80. You need to enter the correct IP address of nextcloud.

Create Your Private Storage Cloud like OneDrive, Google Drive

By default nextcloud will restrict access, so you need to add a command to allow access.

sudo nextcloud.occ config:system:set trusted_domains 1 --value=*

Create Your Private Storage Cloud like OneDrive, Google Drive

At this point, The nextcloud Server is done.

Install the nextcloud app

The next step is to install the nextcloud app nextcloud supports Windows, Android and iOS operating systems. You download and install nextcloud on your Windows computer, enter your domain name correctly, you have successfully connected to your cloud storage server from the internet.

You do the same on smartphones using Android or iOS. Download the nextcloud app and open it enter your domain name correctly.



Tags: nextcloud OneDrive Google Drive Ubuntu