How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS


This article explains How to turn TrueNAS into Cloud storage with Nextcloud. You build your own cloud with nextcloud but afraid of hard drive failure and data loss, to fix that you should install Nextcloud on TrueNAS.

Set up DNS and gateway IP address for TrueNAS

First you set up DNS and gateway ip address for truenas. You need to do this to avoid errors when installing nextcloud

Go to "Network" - "Global configuration".

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

If you haven't set a static ip address for truenas, I recommend you to do it. 

Go to "Network" - "Interfaces", then, edit "re0".

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

Here I assign truenas ip address 

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

And here is the ip address, gateway and dns I have set up on truenas.

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

Install Nextcloud

To install nextcloud, click on the plugins in the left menu. You choose the storage location when installing nextcloud. Like here I choose pool1 to install nextcloud.

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

Here you name it so that it is easy to remember and as you want, in this example I named it nextcloud. I want to assign nextcloud a private ip address so I choose DHCP and uncheck NAT.

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

Please wait patiently for about 20 minutes for the installation to complete. So that nextcloud has been installed, the next steps we will set up to be usable.

We will open the management page by clicking on the manager or entering the ip address of nextcloud in any web browser. By default nextcloud will report this error and we will fix it.

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

You click "Jails" in the left menu and open the command window of nextcloud.

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

To fix the error you encounter, edit the configuration file of nextcloud. You use the ee command to edit the config.php. 

ee /usr/local/www/nextcloud/config/config.php

If you paste the command, you need to use a combination of "shift and insert". You scroll down and find the trusted domain block and fix it like I am. You can add individual addresses and domains, but I'll allow all, so I added the star character.

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

To close the configuration file you use the Esc key and don't forget to save the changes. And now the error message is gone.

While installing nextcloud, will generate random password, you use it to access nextcloud. The random password is long and hard to remember so you should change it to a more suitable password. Of course, I recommend setting up a strong enough password to keep your data safe.

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

So we have nextcloud cloud but we can only use it in local network. To be accessible from anywhere, we will need the domain name and port forwarding.

Domain Name

First of all, I use DuckDNS to assign nextcloud a domain name. In this example I create a free domain name I will write down this domain for cloud access in the next steps. You can configure on truenas to automatically update the public ip address. Want to do that you use Cron Jobs.

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

According to the instructions on the duckdns website, you copy and paste the command as I am doing. Remember to choose nobody as instructed. You can customize the public ip address update schedule like hourly, daily, weekly, monthly.

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

To use it, I choose to run now. But that is not enough to be able to access nextcloud from the internet. To do that, you need to forward the port on the router. As here nextcloud ip address is You can do port forwarding on most routers. 

Port Forwarding

First, forward port 80 to ip address, You can do port forwarding on most routers.

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

Second, port forwarding, forward port 443 to ip address

After obtaining the domain name and port forwarding we can access the cloud from anywhere over the internet. I've basically finished guiding you to get a private cloud with TrueNAS.


The next steps will help you keep this cloud more secure. As you can see nextcloud is using self signed certificate so it is not secure so I will use let's encrypt. You open the nextcloud configuration command window. Since nextcloud is using nginx, we will go through the steps to install enable encryption on nginx.

portsnap fetch
portsnap extract
cd /usr/ports/security/py-cerbot-nginx
make install clean
certbot --nginx -d your_domian
- Renew
/usr/local/bin/certbot renew
ee /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
service nginx restart

So we have finished encrypting the communication between the user and the nextcloud server. By default certificates are only valid for 90 days so you need to schedule auto-renew. You create a new cron job to renew the certificate. As well as how to update the public ip address, you have options for automatic renewal every hour, day, week, and month.

When installing nextcloud i choose DHCP, so over time the ip address will change. The next steps will assign a fixed ip address to nextcloud.

Static IP Address for Nextcloud

You open the command prompt and edit the file rc.conf. 

ee etc/rc.conf

Here you enter your static ip address and your gateway ip address. I assign static ip address as The gateway ip address is 

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

Don't forget to save your changes when you close the rc.conf file. If you want to change the dns address, edit the file resolv.conf. 

ee etc/resolv.conf

I add the address to the list of DNS addresses. Don't forget to save your changes when you close the resolv.conf file. Then don't forget to reboot for the changes to take effect.

service netif restart && service routing restart

So your ip address will be permanently assigned to your cloud. If you don't want to use complicated commands that can be configured on the router to get a fixed ip address for your cloud. It's ip address and mac address binding. This feature is available on most routers. You just need to select the ip address and mac address in the list of assigned ip addresses on the router and bind them together. With this configuration, your ip address will not be changed over time.

How to install and configure Nextcloud on TrueNAS

So the nextcloud cloud was built, You can now connect to next cloud from your computer or smartphone.



Tags: TrueNAS nextcloud